"A tranquil tale about two boys from very different upbringings. On one hand you have Kai, born as the son of a prostitute, who's been playing the abandoned piano in the forest near his home ever since he was young. And on the other you have Shuhei, practically breast-fed by the piano as the son of a family of prestigious pianists. Yet it is their common bond with the piano that eventually intertwines their paths in life."
Komik ini bercerita tentang seorang anak bernama Kai yang cemerlang, bersama dengan Piano Hutan membangkitkan bakatnya yang tertidur selama ini. Dengan Shuhei rival sejatinya, anak seorang pianis terkenal, mereka berdua terus bersaing menjadi yang terbaik.
Menurut gw seh, komik ini bagus banget, mungkin karena gw lagi suka maen piano aja kali ya?